Thursday, July 30, 2009

My Blogshop is reopening...!

Dear all,

My Black Lacy Death Brooch blogshop - Scythe of Death is reopenig with effect from today as on 31st July 2009 (birthday of one o my fav metal guitarist - John Lowery aka John 5).

I will be selling a series of black brooches made of lace, flowers, feather, ribbons... etc... each n every one of them is UNIQUE... not a 2nd one can be found or made... i hope i hv e time to produce more... will also be selling some laces or pendants... anythin i find interesting... but for those who love colors... sorrie... items sold r all BLACK IN COLOR...!

But... for all who wanted to purchase online... pls equip urself w a paypal account, as i hv now got the BUY NOW button for each n every item which will direct u to pay for that individual item... ocoz for local buyers, u can either use paypal or contact me directly, n will arrange for local pickup...

\m/ d(>_<)b \m/

DeadinfantZ aka Lady Scythe